Academic Leadership Group
Chair: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Reports to: University Executive Board
- Ensures delivery of the university strategy and achievement of associated KPIs
- Oversees and ensures the provision of high quality learning and teaching and student academic experience across the university
- Works closely with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor Academic Operations on matters of day to day school management and the delivery of high quality teaching and learning
- Promotes and supports research and enterprise throughout the university in line with the Research and Enterprise strategic plan
- Advises the Deputy Vice-Chancellor on matters of academic planning and associated budgetary issues
- Ensures decisions taken by University Executive Board are transacted at school level
- Provides a forum for sharing information and good practice across all schools
- Acts as a mutual support network for all Heads of Schools
- Develops institution-wide academic policies and strategic initiatives for consideration by the University Executive Board and oversees their implementation across the university
- Coordinates seamless working relationships with professional service teams
- Connects with the operations Leadership Group on a regular basis to ensure both bodies work in harmony and where appropriate to a shared agenda.
Operations Leadership Group
Chair: Registrar and Secretary
Reports to: University Executive Board
- Takes devolved responsibility for the implementation of university strategic objectives across professional services and schools.
- Ensures that decisions taken by the University Executive Board are operationalised effectively across professional services and schools.
- Coordinates the day-to-day functioning of service delivery within the university, ensuring that all departments and schools remain focused on providing the highest possible quality of service to academic staff, students and other stakeholders.
- Acts as the senior coordinating body for major university-wide change projects, considering and mitigating the consequences of change.
- Coordinates seamless working relationships between academic schools and professional service teams.
- Provides a forum for the planning and development of strategic initiatives for the consideration of the University Executive Board.
- Provides a forum for sharing information, discussing issues of common interest and addressing issues that run across a number of professional services and/or schools.
- Connects with the Academic Leadership Group on a regular basis to ensure that both bodies are working in harmony.
Registrar and Secretary (Chair)
Director of Estates and Facilities Management
Director of Finance
Head of Human Resources and Development
Director of Information Services
Director of Marketing and Communications
Director of Research, Enterprise and Social Partnerships
Director of Student Operations and Support
School Administration Managers (x4)
Members by Invitation and request
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Pro-Vice-Chancellor Education and Students
Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research and Knowledge Exchange
Director of Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement
Director of Health and Safety
Director of Sport and Recreation
Estates Leadership Group
Chair: Chief Operating Officer
Reports to: University Executive Board
- Provides estate advice capability on all capital projects
- Keeps the university’s estates strategic plan under review
- Advises the Executive and Board of Governors on matters relating to the procurement, upkeep, management and disposal of land and buildings and associated services within the context of the university strategy and longer term vision
- Considers and approves relevant stages of major building projects within the parameters approved by the Board of Governors, ensuring independent review of detailed plans and costings and recommending whether projects should proceed, considering value for money, aesthetics and community impact
- Receives reports from Project Management Boards and makes recommendations where required on the appointment of consultants and contractors in accordance with defined financial limits.
- Ensures effective engagement and communication with stakeholders in relation to all estates activities, including consultation and reporting to campus management groups and the leadership forum and external audiences
- Provides an integrated approach to the planning and management of all areas of the estate including departmentally managed space, libraries, student accommodation, catering, sports and the Students' Union
- Ensures integration with other programmes that impact on the physical estate, such as Information Services and Health and Safety
- Responsible for the aesthetic quality of the campus locations including accessibility landscaping and appearance of buildings.
- Responsible for sustainable transport and review estates issues related to green travel plan, traffic, access and car parking
- Approves and oversees the long-term maintenance programme within the defined resources
- Monitors the work of the Estates and Facilities Management Department to ensure that it is delivering objectives consistent with the university’s strategy, health and safety, environmental and other relevant policies.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Registrar and Secretary
Director of Estates and Facilities Management
Director of Finance
Director of Health and Safety
Director of Information Services
Members by Invitation
Director of Accommodation and Hospitality Services
Director of Sport and Recreation
Director of Marketing and Communications
Chief Executive °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ Students' Union
Investment and Cost Management Group
Chair: Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Reports to: University Executive Board
- Reviews the university’s cost base in order to identify potential cost efficiencies
- Reviews financial and non-financial data to inform recommendations for cost improvement
- Recommends cost improvement targets for the university and its schools and professional services
- Recommends cost improvement programmes which will achieve the approved targets
- Monitors achievement against cost improvement targets and reports progress to University Executive Board / Board of Governors.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Director of People
Director of Finance
Deputy Director of Finance