Kaplanski, F., Sazhin, S.S., Begg, S.M., Fukumoto, Y. and Heikal, M.R. (2010) Dynamics of vortex rings and spray induced vortex ring-like structures. European Journal of Mechanics B.Fluids, 29 Issue 3, pp 208-216.
Kaplanski, F., Sazhin, S.S., Fukumoto, Y., Begg, S.M. and Heikal, M.R. (2009) Journal of Fluid Mechanics 622, pp. 233-258.
Begg, S., Kaplanski, F., Sazhin, S., Hindle, M. and Heikal, M. (2009) International Journal of Engine Research, 10 (4). pp. 195-214. ISSN 2041-3149
Begg, S., Hindle, M., Cowell, T. and Heikal, M. (2008) Energy, the International Journal, 34 (12). pp. 2042-2050.
Osborne, R., Stokes, J., Ceccarini, D., Jackson, N., Lake, T., Joyce, M., Visser, S., Miche, N., Begg, S.M., Heikal, M.R., Kalian, N., Zhao, H. and Ma, T. (2008) In: Proceedings JSAE Annual Congress. 20085400, 79-08. JSAE technical paper series.
Laguitton, O., Crua, C., Cowell, T., Heikal, M.R., Gold, M.R. (2007) The effect of compression ratio on exhaust emissions from a PCCI diesel engine, Energy and Conversion Management, 48 (11), pp 2918-2924.
Begg, S., Mason, D. and Heikal, M. (2009) Combustion phasing in an optical gasoline engine operating in the limit of spark-assisted controlled auto-ignition. In: Proceedings of the JUMY International Automotive Conference and Exhibition (XXII Science and Motor Vehicles 2009). Society of Automotive Engineers of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia. (Paper 36).
Begg, S., de Sercey, G. and Heikal, M. (2009) Experimental investigation of the characteristics of oil behaviour in an engine crankcase. In: Proceedings of the DIPSI Workshop - Droplet impact phenomena and spray investigations. Universita degli Studi di Bergano, Bergano, Italy.
Sazhin, S.S., Kaplanski, F., Begg, S. and Heikal, M. (2009) In: Proceedings of the JUMY International Automotive Conference and Exhibition (XXII Science and Motor Vehicles 2009). Society of Automotive Engineers of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia.
Begg, S, Mason, D. and Heikal, M. (2009) In: SAE/JSAE Technical Paper Series 2009-32-0072/20097072. 15th Small Engine Technology Conference (SETC), Penang, Malaysia.
Sazhin, S.S., Kaplinski, F., Begg, S.M. and Heikal, M.R. (2008) In: ILASS 2008, 22nd European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Politecnico di Milano and the Universitá degli Studi di Bergano, Lake Como, Italy.
Sazhin, S.S., Kaplanski, F., Begg, S. and Heikal, M.R. (2008) In: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Begg, S., Parmenter, D., Mason, D. and Heikal, M. (2008). Mixture preparation and combustion Characteristics in a compression-ignition gasoline engine. Paper number 12.2-4. 14th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 07-10 July, 2008.
Mason, D.J., Begg, S., Cooper, B., Jackson, N. (2008) A low compression ratio low NOx diesel combustion system. Proceedings of Societe des Ingénieurs de l’Automobile International Conference, Rouen, 28 May, 2008.
Karimi, K., Crua, C., Heikal, M.R., Sazhina, E.M. (2007) Split injection strategy for diesel sprays: experiment and modelling. PTNS Kongres 2007, 20-23 May 2007, Krakow, Poland.
Sazhin, S.S., Martynov, S., Kristyadi, T., Crua, C., Heikal, M.R. (2007)
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Begg, S.M., Hindle, M.P., Cowell, T., Heikal, M.R. (2007) The effect of intake valve lift on the mixture preparation processes of a port fuel-injected engine. Proceedings of ECOS 2007, 25-28 June 2007, Padova, Italy.
Martynov, S.B., Sazhin, S.S., Crua, C., Gorokhovsky, M.A., Chtab, A., Sazhina, E.M., Karimi, K., Kristyadi, T., Heikal, M.R. (2007) Effects of droplet breakup, heating and evaporation on autoignition of Diesel sprays. UK-Israel Workshop ‘Sprays: Modelling versus Experimentation’, 16-18 July 2007, °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ, UK (Abstract)
Karimi, K., Sazhina, E.M., Abdelghaffar, W.A., Crua, C., Cowell, T., Heikal,M.R., Gold, M.R. (2006) Development in diesel spray characterisation and modelling. Proceedings of THIESEL 2006, 13-15 September 2006, Valencia, Spain.
Laguitton, O., Crua, C., Cowell, T., Heikal, M.R., and Gold, M.R. (2006) The effect of compression ration on exhaust emissions from a PCCI diesel engine. Proceedings of 19th International Conference Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 12-14 July 2006, Crete, Greece.
Demory, R., Crua, C., Gold, M.R., Heikal, M.R., (2006) Measuring and processing in-cylinder measurements of NO and OH obtained by laser-induced fluorescence in a diesel rapid compression machine. Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 26-29 June 2006, Lisbon, Portugal.