Experimental Cryogenics
Professor Rob Morgan is based within the Advanced Engineering Centre, and has been a researcher at the university since 2012 following 20 years working in industry. He is joint secretary to the Universities’ Internal Combustion Engines Group (UnICEG) as well as a member of the IMechE Powertrain Systems and Fuels Group. Professor Morgan was also the director of the APC Thermal Efficiency spoke until 2017 and Assistant Head of the Advanced Engineering Centre until 2019.
The focus of his research is in the broad area of sustainability, specifically on clean, efficient propulsion for transport and large scale energy systems. His work in engines is currently focused on the recuperated split cycle engine, working industrial partners such as Ricardo and Fiat Powertrain.
This research includes experimental activities on engines and test rigs and fundamental modelling of the processes in the engine using computation fluid dynamics. He also works in energy systems, such as liquid air energy storage and sustainable fuels.

Professor Morgan is also a co-founder of the , an initiative that brings enterprise, academia and teaching together to address the messy problems arising from the sustainability crisis. The Impact Factory applies techniques normally applied to social science and business issues to technological problems to ensure the right questions are asked and better outcomes achieved.
Product Life Cycle Development and Commercialisation
Professor Andy Atkins is the and a research partner of the University holding a visiting Professorship.
He has extensive experience of the design and supply chain of cryogenic systems having developed systems at liquid helium, as well as liquid nitrogen and LNG temperatures.