Entry requirements
Degree and experience
Academic requirements listed are for the school's postgraduate education programme and the requirements of the NMC. In order to enter the chosen pathway, candidates must be a registered nurse (level 1) with relevant professional registration, capable of safe and effective practice at the level of proficiency for level 7 study.
- normally hold a health-related degree at 2:1 or above or equivalent or be able to demonstrate the ability to study at level 6.
- have successfully completed recent study within the last five years
- normally have a minimum of three years’ post-registration experience, preferably in a community setting
- demonstrate the potential to benefit from masters-level study
- have appropriate clearance from the Criminal Records Bureau, organised by the sponsoring organisation.
- have employer support to undertake the programme.
- must be employed and sponsored by a Practice Learning Partner of the University of °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ (such as the applicant’s employing/sponsoring NHS organisation) for the duration of the programme in an appropriate role for the specialist pathway in the programme (general practice nursing or district nursing).
- have protected learning time to undertake the programme with student status in practice.
- have appropriate practice support throughout the programme.
Applicants who do not have a first degree
In exceptional cases candidates will be considered for entry onto the MSc programme without a first degree if they can demonstrate innovations in practice, publications and have expertise in the field.
Candidates without a first degree will be required to undertake and pass an M-level module in order to enter the MSc. A maximum of 40 credits of the final award may be brought into the course provided you meet the learning outcomes and these were undertaken in the previous five years.
Students who already hold a °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ qualification in any one of the specialist options at degree level may apply for admission to another specialist option provided they satisfy the necessary entry criteria. Such students will need to complete 120 masters-level credits in order to gain the postgraduate diploma, and to demonstrate achievement of the specialist practice learning outcomes for the chosen pathway.
To apply for this course, please contact the course administrator ProfessionalCourseAdmissions@brighton.ac.uk.
How to apply
This course starts in September. Applications are accepted from February each year, which is also when the relevant application form is made available by the school.
Applicants who are self-employed, self-funded or working in non-NHS organisations should apply to the Practice Learning Partner (PLP) through the appropriate annual NHS Jobs advert to assure PLP sponsorship on this programme.
The Practice Learning Partner will shortlist the applications and, if successfully shortlisted, your details will be forwarded to the university where you will be asked to complete an online application form and invited to interview.
Please note that it will not be possible to make an application to the university unless you have applied and been shortlisted. Any applications that do not meet this criteria cannot be considered.
In addition, references to support good health and character are required at admission stage, along with a satisfactory DBS check which is undertaken by the applicant's current employer. Students are required to make an annual declaration regarding health and good character, and this would also be required before application to the Register.
For more information, contact the programme administrator on: ProfessionalCourseAdmissions@brighton.ac.uk.
Interview procedures
Normally interviews are carried out with a representative from the University of °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ and representatives from the Practice Learning Partner (including a Practice Supervisor and Practice Assessor representative). At interview consideration will be given to the following:
- knowledge of the role
- communication skills
- appropriate attitude
- potential for development as a Specialist Community Practitioner.