Research team
Architects: Andre Viljoen (Principal Investigator), University of °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ; Professor Doina Petrescu(Co-investigator), University of Sheffield; Professor Katrin Bohn, Technical University of Berlin; Craig Verzone, Verzone Woods Architects (Switzerland).
Artists: Debora Solomon and Mariske Van De Berg –Netherlands
Sociology/Food Policy: Prof. Han Wiskerke, Amsterdam Academy of Architecture and Rural Sociology Group, University of Wageningen -Netherlands.
Agronomist: Dr Howard Lee, Hadlow College.
Geographer: Dr Chiara Tornaghi, University of Leeds.
Food Policy: Clare Devereux, Policy Director, Food Matters UK, and a founder of the UK’ ( 2014).
United Nations University Institute for Advanced Studies. 2010. Cities, Biodiversity and Governance: Perspectives and Challenges of the Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity at the City Level: Policy Report. UNUIAS: Yokohama. Pp 31-32.
The London Assembly (2010) Cultivating the Capital: Food growing and the planning system in London , London: The London Assembly.
Forman, R.T.T. ( 2008 ) Urban Regions: Ecology and Planning Beyond the City . Cambridge University Press.
Hester, R.T. (2006) Design for ecological democracy, Cambridge MA : The MIT Press.
R - (2014) R - Urban | [Accessed 1 Sep. 2014]. (2014).
[Accessed 1 Sep. 2014].
UN Habitat (2012) Urban Patterns for a Green Economy: Working with Nature , Nairobi: UN Habitat, (accessed 5 August 2014).
United Nations University Institute for Advanced Studies . 2010. Cities, Biodiversity and Governance: Perspectives and Challenges of the Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity at the City Level: Policy Report. UNUIAS: Yokohama. Pp 31 - 32.
Viljoen, A. (ed) (2005) Continuous Productive Urban Land scape: Designing Urban Agricultur e for Sustainable Cities , Oxford: The Architectural Press.
Viljoen, A. and Bohn, K. (eds) (2014) Second Nature Urban Agriculture: Designing Productive Cities, Oxford: Routledge. Pp 12 - 17.
Architects: Andre Viljoen (Principal Investigator), University of °ÅÀÖÊÓƵ; Professor Doina Petrescu(Co-investigator), University of Sheffield; Professor Katrin Bohn, Technical University of Berlin; Craig Verzone, Verzone Woods Architects (Switzerland).
Artists: Debora Solomon and Mariske Van De Berg –Netherlands
Sociology/Food Policy: Prof. Han Wiskerke, Amsterdam Academy of Architecture and Rural Sociology Group, University of Wageningen -Netherlands.
Agronomist: Dr Howard Lee, Hadlow College.
Geographer: Dr Chiara Tornaghi, University of Leeds.
Food Policy: Clare Devereux, Policy Director, Food Matters UK, and a founder of the UK’ ( 2014).